Yule 103: The Wild Hunt

Greeting’s heathens and witches,

Welcome to the Horn and Cauldron podcast…

For our 103 series, we are exploring a specific area of lore or practice related to each Sabbat. In this episode, we are discussing The Wild Hunt.  It is a group of ghostly figures pursuing an entity, which is either another ghostly entity, or hapless humans out at the wrong time.

In this episode, we discuss the who, what, and why of The Wild Hunt. The various leaders of the Hunt, and especially Odin’s role within the hunt. We tell a tale related to Odin and the Wild Hunt and recommend some reading material to further your practice.


Links for Reading Material and Related Episodes:

Teutonic Mythology Vol III, by Jacob Grimm, pages 917-950 (Link to this book on the Internet Archive): https://archive.org/details/JacobGrimmTeutonicMythologyVol3/page/n77/mode/2up

Yule 101 (Episode 2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8NG89qOqXk

Yule 102 (Episode 28): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbDfRxWUPhU

Hidden Heathenry in Modern Holidays (Episode 26): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzm9NkGLF5s

Intro to Modern Odinism (Episode 25): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2hFPkF0fw8