Pub Chat: Am I Cursed, Aleister Crowley, Fanime Panel

Welcome to Pub Chat!

These episodes are for us to have a more free-form way to discuss listener questions, shorter subjects, as well as magical happenings, musings, and other sundry.

Our question of the week is about being cursed or hexed. A common question online in the pagan community is about people who think they’ve been cursed, or aren’t sure if they have been. We discuss some simple ways to tell if you have cursed or hexed.

In Story Time, we talk about the origin of the popular phrase “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” It’s an interesting story, and the phrase has inspired many practitioners since it was written a little over 100 years ago.

We’ve been quite busy lately, with lots of changes in our personal lives and big projects coming up. We discuss briefly what’s going on with us, and share some exciting news about hosting a panel at a convention!