Astrology 101: Planets, Signs, and Houses

Greeting’s heathens and witches,

Welcome to the Horn and Cauldron podcast…

Astrology is quite old, with the first records of its practice going all the way back to ancient times. It was originally used to help predict agricultural patterns and the weather. Over time, it was used for other purposes and was a part of everyday life for centuries. Even still, what we think of as astrology—sun sign horoscopes—wasn’t popularized until the early 1900s.


In this episode, we talk about western astrology basics: the planets, the houses, and the signs. We discuss aspects of our personal charts, ways you can analyze your chart, where magic lives in your chart, and a healthy dose of getting into the weeds!


You may want to pull up or create your own birth (natal) chart so you can follow along! To do that, you’ll want to go to an astrology website or app to make one. You’ll need your date of birth, location of birth, and time of birth (as close as possible, if you don’t know the exact time). My favorite places to get that info from are:

Time Passages app (

(We are not sponsored, I’m just a fan!)