
Greeting’s heathens and witches,

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Technomancy is essentially using modern technology in your magical practice. This can be as simple as having a digital Book of Shadows, or as complex as coding a program to activate your spell. In this episode, we discuss the brief history of Technomancy and pop culture’s influence on it.

Technology is ubiquitous in our day-to-day lives, and people’s views on using it in their magical practice vary widely. It’s also a subject without much magical reference material, which can make it difficult for people to incorporate it into their own practice.

We talk about how we use Technomancy, give you ideas to use it in your practice, some correspondences, and two spells to help ease you into incorporating it into your magic.

Pub Chat: Am I Cursed, Aleister Crowley, Fanime Panel

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These episodes are for us to have a more free-form way to discuss listener questions, shorter subjects, as well as magical happenings, musings, and other sundry.

Our question of the week is about being cursed or hexed. A common question online in the pagan community is about people who think they’ve been cursed, or aren’t sure if they have been. We discuss some simple ways to tell if you have cursed or hexed.

In Story Time, we talk about the origin of the popular phrase “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” It’s an interesting story, and the phrase has inspired many practitioners since it was written a little over 100 years ago.

We’ve been quite busy lately, with lots of changes in our personal lives and big projects coming up. We discuss briefly what’s going on with us, and share some exciting news about hosting a panel at a convention!

Dionysus Deep Dive

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The Greek god Dionysus is a popular figure that has captivated people for centuries. He is popularly known as the god of wine and wild parties, but he is so much more than that! In this episode, we discuss his origins, his family, and one of his myths.

There are many festivals honoring Dionysus as well. We talk about some of his more popular festivals: Dionysia, Anthesteria, Bacchanalia, and the Mysteries. Some of these festivals have sordid histories, but all promise a wild time with food, drinks, and of course—partying.

We share correspondences and give you some ideas to celebrate and honor Dionysus. There’s also an invocation for Dionysus and a simple spell that will help you overcome anxiety.

Ostara 102

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Ostara is held on the Spring or Vernal Equinox, when night and day are of equal length. Cultures throughout the world have celebrated the equinox for thousands of years. In this episode, we discuss the pagan and heathen holiday of Ostara.

Spring and rebirth are big themes of this festival, since this is the time of year that the earth comes alive again. Many beliefs from around the world echo these themes in the spring. We explore some of these from eastern Europe, ancient Roman times, and Norse traditions.

We also talk about how we celebrate Ostara, go over correspondences, give you some ideas to celebrate this festival, and share a simple Ostara ritual.

Pub Chat: Craft Names, Doreen Valiente, Discovery of Witches Magic Review

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These episodes are for us to have a more free-form way to discuss listener questions, shorter subjects, as well as magical happenings, musings, and other sundry.

Our question of the week is about using craft or magical names. We briefly talk about a craft name is, why you’d choose one (or not!), and our personal experience with craft names.

In Story Time, we cover Wicca Tiger King part four: Doreen Valiente, the mother of Wicca. She led a very interesting life, so we talk about her backstory and how her life intertwined with Cardell, Howard, and Gardner to wrap up this wacky, fun, and interesting series.

This week, we finished watching A Discovery of Witches. We fell in love with this show, so this is a more in-depth review of the show where we discuss the magical and supernatural world it encompasses.

The Norse Family Tree

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Unlike the Greek pantheon, we don’t quite know how long people have been worshipping Norse Deities, but we think their worship dates back 2500 years. Of the few sources we have, there are many gods, goddesses, Jotun, and others who were considered deities by the Norse.

In this episode, we discuss the creation mythos of the Norse pantheon. Like many others, it describes a black void that eventually sparks to life. What happens next—a cow using a block of ice as a salt lick, a giant who becomes the world as we know it isn’t quite as run of the mill.

We go over the main gods and goddesses that are worshipped from this pantheon. Some are Aesir, some are Vanir, and some fall somewhere in between or even completely outside of the Aesir and Vanir. We will discuss the magical correspondences of Odin, Frigg, Bragi, Idunn, Baldr, Mimir, Thor, Sif, Tyr, Njörd, Freyja, Freyr, Loki, Heimdall, and Hel in this episode.

Pub Chat: Astral Projection, Gerald Gardner, Magic in Media

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These episodes are for us to have a more free-form way to discuss listener questions, shorter subjects, as well as magical happenings and musings.

Our question of the week is on astral projection. We briefly talk about what astral projection (AKA astral travel) is, how it’s done, and how widespread it is. It’s reportedly even been researched for decades by various governments to give an advantage over other countries!

In Story Time, we cover Wicca Tiger King part three: Gerald Gardner, the father of Wicca. There’s a lot to unpack about his backstory, but we focus on how he ensured that Wicca wouldn’t fade away.

This week, we watched King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017). We briefly discuss the magic of this movie in Magic and Media, and chit chat about a variety of other things.

Handfasting and Love Magic

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Spring is starting around here, and that means love is in the air! In this episode, we discuss the history and practices of handfasting and love magic. We also share two spells that we’re written, in addition to correspondences for love-based magic.

Handfasting has become more popular over the last decade—we should know, because when we got married, we had our own handfasting ceremony of sorts! We talk about some basic handfasting practices and traditions, and a bit about our handfasting ceremony, which was based on ancient heathen traditions.

Love magic is one of the earliest, and probably most popular types of magic out there. It’s been used to influence someone to love you, to strengthen the love between two people, get an ex to leave you alone, to increase desire, and more. There is much to discuss regarding love magic: from ancient spells to modern practices to ethics, and this will be the first of several episodes about love magic.

Pub Chat: Magical Home Protection, Raymond Howard, Magic in Media

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These episodes are for us to have a more free-form way to discuss listener questions, shorter subjects, as well as magical happenings and musings.

Our question of the week is about ways to magically protect your home. We briefly talk about a bunch of ways to add protection magic to your home—from protection bottles to houseplants to 55-pound bags of salt! We also recommend a few episodes of our podcast that you can listen to for more protection magic ideas and tips.

In Story Time, we cover Wicca Tiger King part two: Raymond Howard. He was an associate of Charles Cordell and has his own interesting and wacky backstory.

This week, we watched Stargate, Paradise Hills, and Bright. We briefly discuss the magic of their respective worlds in Magic in Media, and hint at some fun new projects we have in store.

Imbolc 102

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Join us as we discuss the major themes of Imbolc: cleaning, purification, and welcoming new beginnings and positive energy in your life. Many of these themes also pair with Lunar New Year (which happens to start on the same day as Imbolc in 2022), so we talk about the connections and parallels there also. We also share, a simple Imbolc ritual, correspondences, and our experiences for this pagan holiday.

Imbolc, which takes place on February 1st in the northern hemisphere or August 1st in the southern hemisphere is halfway between the Yule (held on the winter solstice) and Ostara (held on the spring equinox). This sabbat is a time to celebrate the coming of spring with feasts, cozy hearth fires, planning gardens, weather divination, and other activities. Synonymous with Imbolc is the Celtic goddess Brigid, who is associated with healing, blacksmithing, livestock, fertility, the arts, and other crafts.

Pub Chat: Magical Pain Management, Charles Cordell, Magic in Media

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These episodes are for us to have a more free-form way to discuss listener questions, shorter subjects, as well as magical happenings and musings.

Our question of the week is about using magic for pain management. While magic can’t be used to take pain away, some magical ideas may help manage pain in conjunction with your physican’s orders. We’re not medical professionals, and our conversation shouldn’t be considered medical advice.

In Story Time, we talk about Charles Cordell—The Tiger King of Witchcraft and rival of the Father of Wicca, Gerald Gardner.

This week, we watched Star Wars: The Bad Batch, and Interview with the Vampire, and we briefly discuss the magic of their respective worlds in Magic and Media.

Spellcrafting 102: Book of Shadows and Grimoires

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This is the second installment of our Spellcrafting series, where we talk about the history and evolution of Grimoires and a Book of Shadows. The terms Grimoire and Book of Shadows are used interchangeably in pop culture, and we discuss the links and differences between the two.

We also talk about the pros and cons of paper versus digital Grimoires and give you a bunch of ideas of what to put in yours, as well as how to organize them! We use a two-book system, which employs a Book of Shadows as a magical journal, and a separate Grimoire for reference material, correspondences, and spells or rituals that we come back to over and over again.

As usual, we have written a spell for this episode, which is a very simple consecration spell for your magical books, and correspondences that you can use when creating and maintaining your own magical tomes.

Pub Chat: Séance vs. Ouija Board, Magical Find, Magic in Media

Welcome to Pub Chat!

These episodes are for us to have a more free-form way to discuss listener questions, shorter subjects, as well as magical happenings and musings.


Our listener question of the week is about the difference between a séance and a Oujia™ board. We discuss what they are, the ways they’re used, and give a little bit of history about each. We had a synergistic magical experience about some golf tees that we talk about. In Magic and Media, we discuss the magic in a few shows we watched over the holidays: She-Ra and The Princesses of Power, The Matrix Resurrection, and Jingle Jangle. Each of these shows has at least a hint of magic in them, and we share our thoughts briefly on each.

The Horn and Cauldron #29 – Dagda Deep Dive

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In this episode we take a deep dive into the Dagda. The Dagda, King of the Fair Folk and the Irish god of abundance and hospitality, is an interesting figure who is not often talked about in modern pagan practice. Join us as we dive into his background, lore, and worship. We also share correspondences for him as well as an invocation and a spell for him.

The Horn and Cauldron #28 – Yule 102

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Yule starts on the Winter Solstice (the longest night of the year) and is celebrated for several days or weeks. During Yule, parties, singing, dancing, feasts, decorating with evergreens, yule log, wassailing, and gift giving are common. Join us as we discuss some of the important figures of modern Yule celebrations: Mari Lwyd, Krampus, and Santa Claus. We also share Yule correspondences and a simple Yule ritual we wrote.


For more information about Yule, check out episode #2, Yule 101.

The Horn and Cauldron #26 – Hidden Heathenry in Modern Holidays

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Halloween, and other holidays have heathen roots? Join us as we discuss actual, possible, or nonexistent heathen/pagan roots of the most popular western holidays. We also share two spells we’ve created to help you celebrate any holiday, whether you’re in the closet or not.

The Horn and Cauldron #25 – Intro to Modern Odinism

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This episode is part deep dive and part overview, so join us as we go over the general practices and beliefs of modern Odinism and heathery. We examine how to celebrate heathen festivals known as blóts, as well as discussing the Norse God Odin, and how to worship him. We also share two spells that we’ve written with Odin in mind and his correspondence list. As always, this podcast is a welcoming and informative one, with zero tolerance for racism and similar toxic rhetoric.

The Horn and Cauldron #24 – Samhain 101

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In this episode, we discuss Samhain. Samhain—the most popular heathen holiday—is the third and final harvest festival and takes place on the October 31 (April 30 southern hemisphere), which is about halfway between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice.  Join us as we discuss popular Samhain traditions, how we celebrate this ancient holiday. We also share correspondences, and two spells that you can do for Samhain, or anytime!

The Horn and Cauldron #23 – Persephone Deep Dive

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In this episode, we discuss Persephone. She is the Greek goddess of grain, fertility, spring, the dead, rebirth, and is the queen of the underworld. In this episode, we discuss her origins, myths, festivals, and the secret societies associated with her. We also share her correspondences, an invocation, and a kitchen witch spell we’ve written to help commune with her.

Kurzgesagt – In A Nutshell, What Dinosaurs Actually Looked Like :